Profile PictureGuitarmalade

CAGED Conversion Therapy

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CAGED Conversion Therapy

4 ratings

"Top notch!

In a sea of online options for guitar instruction - many quite accomplished technically - Guitarmalade stands out in terms of responsiveness and that hard-to-define characteristic, heart.

Chris listens from the heart and digs deep to meet students at their access point, whatever that might be. Truly exemplary teaching - highly recommended!"

-Billy C.

"Thanks mate something has just clicked here now you’ve shown it here. I understand how triads work now!"

-Paul J.

"MEGA Series! -Chris M

"Gotta say, absolutely loving CAGED conversion therapy. CAGED can tell you where to go on the neck, Chris' CAGED conversion therapy shows you what you can do when you get there. Game-changing my understanding of navigating the fretboard - Just brilliant."

-Matthew G.

CAGED is a solid approach to learning shapes.

CAGED can help guitarists go from open chords and 1 pentatonic pattern, to playing the right notes all across the fretboard!

Sounds great, right?!

Not so fast.

The sticking point may come when trying to play chord tone solos, find another voicing for a favorite chord, and grasping music fundamentals.

Certain CAGED shapes do NOT align with triads. For Example, you may think the highest 3 notes in a G shape are a G major chord, right? Wrong - it's missing a note.

Learning chord shapes that do not correspond to scale patterns is a huge miss, and can lead guitarists astray.

CAGED is a start, but not the complete picture, and should be transcended sooner - not later.

If CAGED is your preference for unpacking a song, and playing the shapes across the fretboard, it is time to step up your guitar knowledge!

Play great 2nd rhythm guitar! Unpack Chord tone soloing! Fill in music theory gaps!

Take Guitarmalade's CAGED Conversion Therepy! Download the practice book, and watch the video lessons!

Chris walks you through the exercises, highlight common misconception, and give you saucey real-world examples to help you level-up!

Do not miss out on the chance for guitar insights, licks, and Bonus Material!

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